Omega 3 supplement | Ruminant | UFAC

omega 3 supplement (ruminant)ufac

The fatty acid supplement enhancing fertility, reproductive performance and immunity.

Bringing all the benefits previously associated with fishmeal, omega 3 supplement is formulated to supply key fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, to support high yields, reproductive performance and immune systems.

omega 3 supplement gives the cow a real boost by providing the optimum ratio of Omega 6: omega 3 fatty acids, with the omega 3s coming from the most effective marine oil source.

omega 3 supplement increases egg size and quality, reducing early embryonic losses and improving reproductive performance.

omega 3 supplement (ruminant)
Omega 3 red iconHealthBeef cow red iconSheep red iconGoat red iconDairy cowFertilityMade in the UKNo palm oil

Typical analysis (FW)

Dry matter (%) 95.0
Oil (%) 50.0
Protein (%) 1.1
Fibre (%) 23.5
Ash (%) 11.2
Rumen inert sugar (%) 0.0
MER (MJ/Kg DM) 25.5

Key benefits

  • Stronger heats
  • Improves conception rates and reduces days open
  • Better overall fertility with fewer cows culled as unintentionally barren
  • Strengthens immune system, improving overall health and efficiency
  • Improves feed intakes and milk yield by increasing effective energy supply

The fatty acid supplement enhancing fertility, reproductive performance and immunity.

Why use omega 3 supplement?

  • Increased egg size
  • Higher progesterone production
  • Uterus development to enhance embryo implantation
  • Increased immune system
  • Enhanced calf vitality

omega 3 supplement fatty acid profile

(% of TFA)

≤C14:0 Myristic 5.9
C16:0 Palmitic 14.0
C18:0 Stearic 3.3
C18:1 Oleic 11.7
Total omega 3s 30.2
Ω6:Ω3 ratio - 0.2:1
C18:2 Linoleic 4.9
C18:3 Linolenic 0.7
C20:5 EPA 11.4
C22:5 DPA 1.3
C22:6 DHA 16.8

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